Miner-Control.de now allow users to share their ccminer (1.7.6+) device hashrate, more supported miners will come later.
-o stratum+tcp://Miner-control.de:<PORT> -a <algo> -u <wallet_adress> -p stats
With this option enabled, the stratum will ask for device stats each 50 shares (for 4 times max).
You can combine this miner option with other ones, like the pool difficulty with a comma.
You can also use the generic username 'benchmark' if you don't have a valid address,
but in this case you will mine without reward (like a donator).
Please note only the first device stats will be submitted on multi gpus systems.
If you want to monitor a different card with ccminer, use the --device parameter, like -d 1
You can download compatible versions of ccminer here :